
Show me the MONEY!!!


Where does all of our tax money go? Here’s a website that allows you to keep tabs on some of it. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: Biden’s failed town hall https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/03/13/amateur-hour-joe-biden-virtual-town-hall-marred-by-tech-issues-dick-durbins-wailing-baby/ Trump tests negative https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/14/trump-tests-negative-for-cor*navir*s-white-house-doctor-says.html (REPLACE * WITH O/U FOR LINK TO WORK) Letter from President Trump’s doctor https://twitter.com/TheCollectiveQ/status/1238968243836116992 Package from LAX tweet https://twitter.com/KTLA/status/1238964721635618816 Disgruntled journalist with fever tweet https://twitter.com/VPPressSec/status/1238863434000797696 Weird Dem list pictures https://twitter.com/TheDemocrats/status/1238985514360987651 Don Jr’s pin tweet https://twitter.com/QStorm1111/status/1238902103629688833 TP shortage/Comey’s book https://twitter.com/NightlyTribune/status/1238856468834725893 NYT TP tweet https://twitter.com/martingeddes/status/1238912096487735299 Older or unhealthy article https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/health/older-or-unhealthy-inside-look-americas-first-cor*navir*s-deaths (REPLACE THE * WITH O/U TO MAKE LINK WORK) Joe M. tweet on famous people https://twitter.com/StormIsUponUs/status/1238858760682196995 Open…

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SHOCKING: BiII Gates and UN held simulated C0R0NAVIRUS P@ndemic Conference in October of 2019

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