July 2024: 45th President Donald J. Trump Remarks, Rallies and Events

Post Views: 3,536 ***** *** Donations: Click the image below or scan the QRCode – Thank you for your support (splitted in 2 equal parts, Vets in need, Pres. Trump Campaign) ***   July 31st: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Harrisburg, PA    “President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a Rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 6:00​ p.m. ET” ***** July 30th: Vice Presidential Nominee JD Vance Holds a Rally in Reno, Nevada    “Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance will deliver remarks … Continue reading July 2024: 45th President Donald J. Trump Remarks, Rallies and Events