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Dinarland Highlights for January 16, 2025


Dinarland Highlights – 1.16.25 Bruce (The Big Call)[via WiserNow]We should get, our notifications, I believe in the next day or two…We start on Thursday. That’s possible…This is one of these I have to wait and see. ______________________________________________________ Mountain GoatArticle:“GOVERNMENT ADVISOR: ASYCUDA SYSTEM IS A VITAL TOOL FOR DEVELOPING CUSTOMS WORK AND BOOSTING INTERNATIONAL TRADE”…“WOW!”… This is another article about these future non-oil revenues…The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, reviewed on Sunday, the importance of adopting the ASYCUDA system in customs administration, noting that it reduces delays at ports and boosts international trade…Remember again that this system needs…

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