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China’s Hegemonic Ambitions, From Taiwan to the Moon: Richard Fisher


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This is the 30 minute TV version of Jan Jekielek’s interview with Rick Fisher. The longer-form version was released on Epoch TV on October 5, 2024.

Rick Fisher, expert in China’s military capabilities, talks to Jan Jekielek about China’s hegemonic ambition and its global implications – from China’s space programs to its activity in the South China Sea. Fisher is a senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center.

[0:00:01 – 0:00:34] China’s Military Coalition with Rogue States
[0:00:34 – 0:02:29] China’s Path to Nuclear Superiority
[0:02:29 – 0:06:20] China’s Military Actions in the South China Sea
[0:06:20 – 0:08:58] China’s Territorial Claims and Strategic Goals
[0:08:58 – 0:11:35] China’s Military Capabilities and Technological Advancements
[0:11:35 – 0:14:00] Hypersonic Weapons and Their Impact
[0:14:00 – 0:17:51] Nuclear Warheads and Strategic Threats
[0:17:51 – 0:20:20] China’s Space Program and Nuclear Warheads in Space
[0:20:20 – 0:22:09] Coordination Among Rogue States and American Preparedness

β€œIn order to be able to project military power around the globe and to project Chinese communist power to the moon and beyond, the Chinese Communist Party needs to control the South China Sea. The South China Sea is the gateway, the door which the Chinese nuclear Navy will sail through. Hainan Island, which is at the top of the South China Sea, is the space port that the party will use to populate the moon and to populate Mars and beyond. So the rammings, the violence in the South China Sea, that barely makes headlines in the United States, but which makes all the headlines in the Philippines, in Taiwan, in Japan, Southeast Asia. This is all very important. We lose the battle of the South China Sea, we begin to lose the battle for freedom on Earth.”

According to Fisher, β€œChinese leaders cloak their behavior in layers and layers of respectability to try and convince the world that they are morally and then legally justified to basically commit murder.”

β€œChina is, I think, the second country right after Russia, to have married a maneuverable, hypersonic warhead that is extremely difficult to shoot down to an ICBM, or in the Chinese sense, actually a satellite that could circle the Earth multiple times and rain these hypersonic warheads down on our heads.”

He explains why hypersonic weapons are so dangerous: β€œIt starts out in a ballistic arc, but it can immediately descend to a lower altitude, so it’s out of radar sensing range, and then when it gets to the lower altitude, it can jinx around, go up and down, so that even if the radar sees the warhead approaching, it has changed its position enough so that it can basically move faster than the computer has time to calculate an interception solution. So essentially, it becomes very, very difficult to shoot down. China can put those warheads very likely on a new Dongfeng DF27 intercontinental ballistic missile.”

β€œA non-nuclear, hypersonic warhead from a DF17, probably has enough energy to travel straight through an aircraft carrier and maybe break the keel of the aircraft carrier, which would very quickly force the aircraft carrier to bend up, break like like the Titanic, and just sink 5000 souls, boom gone”, says Fisher.

β€œChina’s investment in its nuclear enterprise is massive, and it’s not just nuclear material, nuclear warheads, but it’s also multiple companies that are making the missiles to carry these warheads, possibly on fractional orbital bombardment systems that can circle the Earth multiple times of if they so desire, and all manner of short range to medium, intermediate, ballistic, intercontinental, intercontinental range missiles.”

And he warns: β€œThe major threat elements that China is producing on a weekly, maybe monthly basis, ought to rate headlines on the major American television networks. Cable channels should have shows that specifically highlight these various threats, but they’re not. The American public is relatively uninformed about the breadth and depth of these threats that are developing from China, Russia, North Korea, soon Iran, and the fact that they are all now in a state of coordination.”

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