Tensions flared up in the Middle East after Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip attacked Israeli territory on October 7th,

when many Israelis living in the settlements near the border were killed and over 200 people, including children, women and the elderly, were taken hostage.

Hamas views its attack as a response to Israeli authorities’ steps against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave and some areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also reported in the West Bank.

Since tensions escalated in the Middle East, rocket and drone attacks on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria have become more frequent. Shiite militias have warned that they will increase the number of armed operations in these Arab countries if the U.S. continues to provide military aid to Israel.



[UPDATE-Day 294-Jul 26] Israel-Lebanon-Iran War, Hezbollah, Gaza and Hamas: Real Time Reaction and Analysis

Post Views: 358 ⚔️ Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: ‘Whoever harms us, we will harm them’ ⚔️ *** This is a developing story that HO1 will continue to monitor. Check back for updates. ⚡[UPDATE-Day 294-Jul 26] Northern Commander to Golani troops: “When we go on the attack, it will be resolute and decisive”...

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[UPDATE-Day 293-Jul 25] Israel-Lebanon-Iran War, Hezbollah, Gaza and Hamas: Real Time Reaction and Analysis

Post Views: 559 ⚔️ Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: ‘Whoever harms us, we will harm them’ ⚔️ *** This is a developing story that HO1 will continue to monitor. Check back for updates. ⚡[UPDATE-Day 293-Jul 25] All Islamic centers of Iran in Germany raided by police...

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[UPDATE-Day 292-Jul 24] Israel-Lebanon-Iran War, Hezbollah, Gaza and Hamas: Real Time Reaction and Analysis

Post Views: 653 ⚔️ Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: ‘Whoever harms us, we will harm them’ ⚔️ *** Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mike Johnson: “Anyone who disrupts PM Netanyahu’s speech in Congress will be arrested; Israel is the United States’ greatest ally“ This is a developing story that HO1 will continue to monitor. Check back for updates. ⚡[UPDATE-Day 292-Jul 24] Benjamin Netanyahu gives rousing address to joint session of Congress...

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[UPDATE-Day 291-Jul 23] Israel-Lebanon-Iran War, Hezbollah, Gaza and Hamas: Real Time Reaction and Analysis

Post Views: 639 ⚔️ Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: ‘Whoever harms us, we will harm them’ ⚔️ *** This is a developing story that HO1 will continue to monitor. Check back for updates. ⚡[UPDATE-Day 291-Jul 23] These are the targets the Houthis plan to attack in Israel...

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[UPDATE-Day 290-Jul 22] Israel-Lebanon-Iran War, Hezbollah, Gaza and Hamas: Real Time Reaction and Analysis

Post Views: 795 ⚔️ Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: ‘Whoever harms us, we will harm them’ ⚔️ *** This is a developing story that HO1 will continue to monitor. Check back for updates. ⚡[UPDATE-Day 290-Jul 22] IDF units enter the Arab city of Tulkarm...

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The U.S. has launched four series of strikes on positions of pro-Iranian militias deployed in Syria’s Deir Ezzor Governorate. The paramilitary groups’ facilities in the desert region of Mayadin and east of the town of Abu Kamal near the border with Iraq were bombed.

The U.S. Air Force also struck positions of pro-Iranian armed groups near the village of Al-Qa’im in western Iraq, near the border with Syria. The U.S. Central Command said that the airstrikes, which hit more than 85 targets, targeted the the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, elite units of the Iranian armed forces) and related groups.





Sources: Media – News Agency – DiplNet – Officials