
BWT’s Bday, the Military, and Brain Meshes


From Barron’s birthday wishes to the military deployment to mesh inserted in brains, here are some interesting headlines you might have missed. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: (I had a glitch Friday night and didn’t get all the links saved before my browser froze up. I’ll go back through the video Saturday and pick up the missing ones. So very sorry! Check back shortly after noon.) FLOTUS’ mention of Barron’s birthday https://twitter.com/FLOTUS/status/1241002935611506689?s=20 President Trump’s record victories in primaries https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-breaking-records-with-enthusiastic-primary-turnout-as-he-easily-clinches-nomination Soros’ lab in Wuhan https://wearethene.ws/notable/90873 Podesta video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tycczjyIcJY Martial Law https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/03/17/will-coronavirus-lead-to-martial-law/ Kellyanne Conway tweet on the President’s approval numbers https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/1240958325887569920 Bill…

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