
Info on the ITSNBN!!!


Lots of info out there about the ITSNBN! Check out some little gems I found. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: HRC files appeal to stop her court-ordered email testimony https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/breaking-hillary-clinton-files-appeal-to-stop-her-court-ordered-email-testimony/ Freddy tweet lamenting his inability to access money (remember, he has 51 bitcoin out there worth half a million $….) https://twitter.com/HW_BEAT_THAT/status/1238480592091504640 Ron’s tweet with question about Google https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1238632031447207936 WaPo gives Biden ad 4 Pinocchios (replace * with appropriate letters) https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/13/washpost-busts-joe-biden-ad-four-pinocchios-for-video-manipulation-of-trumps-cor*navir*s-comments/ Mexico considering closing border https://twitter.com/DailyMail/status/1238575573527605248 Patient zero contracted case on November 17 https://www.businessinsider.com/cor*navir*s-patients-zero-contracted-case-november-2020-3 (replace * with appropriate letters) Paul Sperry deleted tweet https://wearethene.ws/assets/images/l0/4d/3f/4d3faa086ad566d78d4dc07768d6e233c5d3922dd65c9d015267fca6c5135e49.png Paul Sperry tweet on illnesses from China…

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