
The SPIN on Flynn!!!


Nothing is going easy for Flynn. Here are some perspectives on the Flynn case. Also, the timeline and possible reason behind targeting Flynn. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: List of Obama people who requested Flynn’s name to be unmasked https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05-13%20ODNI%20to%20CEG%20RHJ%20%28Unmasking%29.pdf Joe Biden and the Jan 12 coincidence https://twitter.com/hucklebee_sarah/status/1260663618129010688 Sullivan’s decision should horrify all Americans https://twitter.com/EmilyCompagno/status/1260710361759539200 Techno Fog thread on Gleeson and the amicus briefs https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1260752699135533057 Roscoe B Davis tweet on possible trap set by Sullivan https://twitter.com/RoscoeBDavis1/status/1260338618025066498 Did Sullivan make an error in taking Flynn’s guilty plea? https://www.redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/05/12/very-likely-judge-emmet-sullivan-committed-error-in-connection-with-flynn-sentencing/amp/ Sullivan mentioned in Clinton Emails https://twitter.com/littllemel/status/1260610216737099777 Watergate prosecutors want to weigh in https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/497512-read-watergate-prosecutors-request-to-file-opinion-in-flynn-case…

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