
Taxpayer-Funded Diversity Training!!!


Your tax dollars at work to fund diversity training in our government…you might be surprised what they cover…or not. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: Diversity training thread https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1283472137525661697 Howard J. Ross https://howardjross.com/bio/ https://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Bias-Howard-J-Ross-audiobook/dp/B01A1DKGKE/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 (Ross book) Cult Programming in Seattle https://christopherrufo.com/cult-programming-in-seattle/ Government Alliance on Race and Equity https://www.racialequityalliance.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSQQQI0pHb0 (video) https://www.racialequityalliance.org/2020/06/02/justice-now-race-forward-statement/ (statement on racial equity) Race Forward https://www.raceforward.org/ Breathe Act https://breatheact.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/The-BREATHE-Act-PDF_FINAL3-1.pdf M4BL https://m4bl.org/ Trump Ultimate Member of the Book of the Month Club https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1284255472229519360 Mark Dice tweet on painting over BLM on street in front of Trump Tower https://twitter.com/MarkDice/status/1284569764497485824 BLM’s purpose is to abolish the US government https://twitter.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1284512759934267392 Human Trafficking/Epstein/Maxwell thread…

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