
LIVESTREAM: Giuliani, CodeMonkey & 234 Affidavits


Volunteer IT experts are jumping into the task of discovering the truth about Dominion software. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: 234 sworn affidavits https://roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/documents/7487/3.%20EXHIBIT%201%20(affidavits)%20(compressed).pdf Electoral College info https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11641 Maricopa GOP Chair steps down https://twitter.com/Wizard_Predicts/status/1326933467121201156 MA sample ballot http://www.ci.fitchburg.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/6938/SAMPLE-BALLOT DC Trump rally coming up https://rumble.com/vb286n-look-at-whats-heading-to-washington-dc-to-rally-for-trump-holy-cow.html Dominion lobbyist worked for Obama https://thenationalpulse.com/politics/dominion-obama-lobbyist/ (more added after the livestream) TC on BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Truthification_Chronicles TC t-shirt store https://teespring.com/stores/truthification-chronicles President Trump, voting, election, ballots, Dominion, CodeMonkey, Giuliani,777, =============== I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. T-Shirts and such on Teespring https://teespring.com/stores/truthification-chronicles…

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SP — LARRY ROMANOFF — Una epidemia de fraude extranjero en China — September 19, 2020

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