Bien-Etre / Well Being

The Various Types of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies


Currently, there are many different types of psychoanalytic psychotherapies, as a lot has happened in the field of psychotherapy since Freud created orthodox psychoanalysis in 1896. They maintain some of the bases of their Freudian roots but also disagree with them to some extent. Psychoanalytic psychotherapies emerge as variants of the psychoanalytic type of cure. In fact, the demand for psychological care increased after World War II. Thus, the goal was to increase effectiveness and shorten the time. Gradually, psychoanalytic psychotherapy became a specialty and therapy of choice for many patients. The classical psychoanalytic current analyzed in depth what they…

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Chantal Maille
Praticien en Psychothérapie - Psychanalyste, Coaching conjugal & Sophrologie

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