French Navy POLARIS 21 Drills in Mediterranean with Partner Nations and NATO ended. POLARIS 21 has been held Nov. 18 / Dec. 3rd 2021 ➡️6000 Servicemen from 6 nations 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇬🇷 ➡️24 Warships involved ➡️6 day combat simulation ➡️120 Missile Fire simulation/real ➡️3 Amphibious training ➡️428 Combat Flights ➡️Fictive Attrition of 19 Warships and Aircrafts ➡️9 Cyber Counter-measures Polaris 21, which comes from the French name for the exercise — Préparation Opérationnelle en Lutte Aéromaritime, Résilience, Innovation et Supériorité — also includes a segment on the Atlantic coast of mainland France. The French Army and Navy…