🔴TRY IT NOW just by signing up with your email at Epoch TV👉https://ept.ms/0104LielLeibovitz1 Liel Leibovitz describes how digital platforms are designed to "literally change the neural bypass neural synapses of our brain," and "make us addicted." Leibovitz says these trends will have disasterous impacts—especially on our children—including harming the ability to engage in human interaction and "destroying our ability to relate to each other." #LielLeibovitz #FreeSpeech #CriticalRaceTheory – – – 👉Watch EXCLUSIVE episodes only on Epoch TV: www.epochtv.com 🔵 Sign up for our newsletter👉 https://subscribe.theepochtimes.com/p/?page=emailtemp-atl1 so you don’t miss out on our exclusive videos and private events. 💎Donate to support…