Bien-Etre / Well Being

Freud: A Life Full of Fascinating Passions and Eccentricities


  Father of psychoanalysis, renowned neurologist and intellectual, and author of important works such as The Interpretation of Dreams… It’s impossible to even consider the field of psychology in the 19th and 20th centuries without thinking of Sigmund Freud and the contributions he made to this particular science. Indeed, Freud was a tireless researcher, but he also had some hobbies and passions of his own. We’re going to talk about them here. Freud and his passion for Don Quixote Freud taught himself to speak Spanish, solely for the pleasure of reading the universally acclaimed, Don Quixote de La Mancha in…

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Chantal Maille
Praticien en Psychothérapie - Psychanalyste, Coaching conjugal & Sophrologie

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