POTUS 45-47th

August 1st, 2022: Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America   “CNN goes to Wyoming to ask voters if they’re gonna vote for Liz Cheney… Hilarity ensues”     *** Missouri Senate Endorsement “There is a BIG Election in the Great State of Missouri, and we must send a MAGA Champion and True Warrior to the U.S. Senate, someone who will fight for Border Security, Election Integrity, our Military and Great Veterans, together with having a powerful toughness on Crime and the Border. We need a person who will not back down to the Radical Left Lunatics…

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The World Is Helping, We Are Winning, Something Big Is About To Drop, Rig For Red – Ep. 2839

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