Bien-Etre / Well Being

The Neurobiology of Impulsivity: The Origin of Loss of Control


  Do you often have the feeling that there are two people living inside you? There’s the one who’s sensible, thoughtful, and calm. Then there’s the other who acts on impulse and automatically, giving you no chance to stay in control. Impulsivity is an unpleasant enemy that leads you toward unregulated behaviors that you later regret. Sometimes, you might find yourself raiding the fridge at night driven by a rampant kind of anxiety that makes you eat anything and everything. At other times, your impulsive mind makes hasty decisions for you, causing you to make monumental mistakes. This means you’d love…

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Chantal Maille
Praticien en Psychothérapie - Psychanalyste, Coaching conjugal & Sophrologie

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