Bien-Etre / Well Being

The Link Between Dopamine and Schizophrenia


  Hallucinations, delusions, thought disturbances, despondency, planning problems, suicidal ideation… Few illnesses are more devastating than schizophrenia. It affects almost one percent of the population and is usually dramatic both for those who suffer from it and for their families who have to stand by helplessly while their loved ones suffer. There are different types of schizophrenia and it can be accompanied by other conditions. It’s a serious and chronic mental condition. To this day, multiple explanations have been considered with regard to its origins. We know that it has a genetic component and that drug use during adolescence, for…

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Chantal Maille
Praticien en Psychothérapie - Psychanalyste, Coaching conjugal & Sophrologie

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