Bien-Etre / Well Being

The Link Between Fantasy Proneness and Dissociation


  Dissociation is intimately linked to trauma. To explain it, we can use a metaphor. Imagine that you’re in a room with a glass in your hands and a person approaches you. They push you and, as a result, the glass falls and crashes to the floor and shatters. In our metaphor, the glass represents the mind, while the violence of the other person’s shoving is a certain traumatic event, such as sexual abuse. The result is dissociation. A beautiful and functional glass ends up broken, fragmented, and unusable. There’s a novel hypothesis about dissociation. It affirms that the dissociative…

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Chantal Maille
Praticien en Psychothérapie - Psychanalyste, Coaching conjugal & Sophrologie

Final Wakeup Call: The Dominos Begin to Fall

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