
The Silent Epidemic #shorts


Reeducation Is a Code Word for Human Re-Engineering’—Nury Turkel on the CCP’s War on Faith Watch the Full Episode 👉 https://ept.ms/Y0527NuryTurkel The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) treats people of faith “as though they carry an infectious disease [that] needs to be cured … ‘Reeducation’ is a code word for human reengineering,” says Nury Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). He was born in a reeducation camp in China during the Cultural Revolution. It’s been 19 years since he last saw his mother, who remains in China. We discuss the CCP’s high-tech tyranny, its war on…

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[CLIP] Karol Markowicz: ‘Ultimate Revolutionaries’ – How The Woke Regime Indoctrinates Kids

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