
[CLIP] Greg Lukianoff: The β€˜Four Great Untruths’ That Are Destroying the West


πŸ”΄ Try EpochTV for 25 cents per week: https://ept.ms/3LG4rxt πŸ”΄ WATCH the full episode: https://ept.ms/Y1118GregLukianoff πŸ”΅ Sign up for the American Thought Leaders ALERTS newsletter to stay up-to-date on new episodes, releases, and events πŸ‘‰ https://ept.ms/ATLnewsletter "What’s crazy is that higher ed isn’t just not teaching students how to have productive debates that actually get somewhere, they are allowing and even facilitating habits of dismissing people by identity, for example, [or] by finding out if someone has done something bad in their whole life, and then therefore, your opinion on something completely different is no longer taken seriously. Campuses shouldn’t…

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