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[DOCUMENTARY] ‘Screams Before Silence’ – Must Watch and Support!


Screams Before Silence is a documentary film led by American businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg

The documentary explores the sexual violence by Hamas during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, on 7 October 2023, including events at the massacre at the Nova Festival and abductions to the Gaza Strip.

#ScreamsBeforeSilence sheds light on the unspeakable sexual violence committed on October 7th.

President Trump urges people to watch ‘Screams Before Silence’ October 7th film

*** WARNING – Graphic Content ***


President Donald Trump urged people to watch the film “Screams Before Silence” by Sheryl Sandberg, which documented Hamas’s sexual violence on October 7, in a post on his social network Truth Social on Tuesday morning.

Trump wrote that the documentary was “incredibly difficult to watch because, sadly, it graphicly portrays the Death and Destruction that Hamas has unleashed.

We demand that all Hostages taken October 7th from Israel, and being held in Gaza, be released immediately, including eight Americans, and citizens from over twenty other countries, so that the war can come to an end,” he added.


The Documentary, ‘Screams before Silence’, is incredibly difficult to watch because, sadly, it graphicly portrays the Death and Destruction that Hamas has unleashed. I urge people to support the Documentary and watch, if able. We demand that all Hostages taken October 7th from Israel, and being held in Gaza, be released immediately, including eight Americans, and Citizens from over twenty other Countries, so that the war can come to an end. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!




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QNavy is a pool of 3 former Navy Officers, U.S. Navy & French Navy, who served proudly their countries, specialized in conflict analysis as per their respective skills & experience on Special Ops. #NavyVetUnited

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