
Seattle Socialist Trouble!!!

Post Views: 1,265 Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant doxed the mayor and now Mayor Jenny wants revenge. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: President Trump’s ...

Braun Gets Tuckered!!!

Post Views: 1,316 Senator Mike Braun from Indiana has proposed a bill that many Conservatives find questionable. And then, instead of leaving his ...

AG Barr & NPR!!!

Post Views: 1,618 AG Barr’s interview on NPR didn’t exactly go the way the interviewer wanted. Also another op-ed by General Flynn and ...

Flynn Speaks!!!

Post Views: 1,237 The Flynn case is now over…right? Not quite. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: Assange indictment https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/wikileaks-founder-charged-superseding-indictment https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1289641/download (actual indictment) Rich ...

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