
Cancel All Upcoming Hearings!!!

Post Views: 850 Representative Debbie Lesko’s letter to Nadler asking him to cancel all upcoming hearings! LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: Lesko’s letter ...

A Tale of Two Reports

Post Views: 891 The Schiff report is finally released, but only the day before the first impeachment hearing in the Schiff Show Part ...

The Price of Whistleblowing

Post Views: 813 Many patriotic whistleblowers haven’t been given the same treatment as Adam Schiff’s Ukraine one. Meet Robyn Gritz, a true whistleblower ...

COPPA, Kids & Content Creators

Post Views: 940 YouTube’s recent settlement with the FTC is sending shockwaves through many of YouTube’s content creators. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: ...

Thankful for our PRESIDENT!!!

Post Views: 776 Wishing our President a Happy Thanksgiving! I’m very grateful President Trump is our President! LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: Jon ...

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