
Lenore Skenazy: How Overparenting Is Crippling the Next Generation | TEASER


πŸ”΄Watch 10 FREE videos just by signing up with your email at Epoch TVπŸ‘‰ http://ept.ms/AmericaWorstMom1 β€œIf you’re not thinking about that worst-case scenario as a parent, you’re considered evil,” says Lenore Skenazy. β€œWe have a society that has dedicated itself to making sure that children won’t have to deal with anything scary or bad.” Neurotic overparenting is preventing children from developing emotionally and becoming independent, says Lenore Skenazy, founder of the Free Range Kids movement and president of the Let Grow nonprofit. Once dubbed β€œAmericaβ€œs Worst Mom” after letting her 9-year-old son take the New York subway alone, she’s featured…

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