
China gets $$$ from NASA???


A couple of weeks ago, Secretary Pompeo warned the states’ governors of China’s infiltration into universities and local matters. The DOJ has been active uncovering these Chinese spies. LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: President Trump at a Fox News town hall https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-news-will-host-president-trump-town-hall Evergreen (replace the *** with the name of the illness in the news) http://www.startribune.com/new-***-cases-of-unknown-origin-found-on-west-coast/568327002/ Obama’s response to illness https://pjmedia.com/trending/fact-check-obama-waited-until-millions-infected-and-1000-dead-in-u-s-before-declaring-h1n1-emergency/ Hollywood cancellations because of illness https://wearethene.ws/assets/images/l0/67/c1/67c1270ce215356a09cdc0d2c82d790ffdb71c6a239eae36f6d8db2327414a49.png Can a former president be impeached? https://blogs.findlaw.com/legally_weird/2019/12/can-you-actually-impeach-a-former-president-maybe.html Hillary’s podcast https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/podcast-playlist-hillary-clinton-launch-podcast-audible-casts-dakota-fanning-1281775 University of Tennessee professor indicted for wire fraud and making false statements about connection to China https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/researcher-university-arrested-wire-fraud-and-making-false-statements-about-affiliation Breitbart on Dems and God https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/02/28/pew-survey-the-democrat-party-has-a-serious-god-problem/…

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